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On almost 400 pages, this OPEN-AIRguide offers an entertaining and informative tour through the biggest open-air museum in Germany. Three different routes are suggested to discover the area. With its many large photos, the “GUIDE” comes close to being an illustrated book and also offers numerous useful tips in relation to your museum visit.
LWL-Open-Air Museum Detmold; Westfalian State Museum for Rural History and Culture/ed. by Jan Carstensen and Heinrich Stiewe.
Detmold: LWL-Freilichtmuseum Detmold, 2014. 396 pages, ISBN 978-3-926160-53-9
Price: 9,80 € (special price in the museum shop 6,00 €)
Wirtings of the LWL-Open-Air Museum Detmold - Westphalian State Museum of Everyday Culture, published by Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe
Vol. 36: Phytodiversity of Rural Gardens
Old plants are a new cultural asset that must be preserved and developed. With their gardens and landscapes, open-air museums can make a personal contribution to preserving plant diversity. This volume belongs to the lectures and results of a scientific symposium that took place in May 2013 in the LWL- Open-Air museum in Detmold. It served to provide technical support for a growing model project to preserve diversity in the public gardens of Westphalia.
International Symposium on Garden Heritage at Open-Air Museums. Published by Jan Carstensen und Agnes Sternschulte (project management), Hauke-Hendrik Kutscher, Nadja Bartsch (editors). Detmold 2014. 197 pages, ISBN 978-3-926160-51-5, 29,90 Euro
Creating Musems – Museen erschaffen und Hildegard Kaup: die Blumenfrauen vom Viktualienmarkt.
Creating Musems
The success story began in Scandinavia - open-air museums have been inspiring audiences for 125 years. This type of museum is still one of the most attractive forms of presentation for culture and nature. The Association of European Open Air Museums was founded in 1966 and represents around 100 museum experts from larger and national open air museums. What does this network look like and how has the association become what it represents today? What motivated the generation of founders? It is worth taking a look at the history of the association, because it also shows the development of the open-air museums in general.
With contributions from Stefan Baumeier (†), Thomas Bloch Ravn, Jan Carstensen, Miklós Cseri, Adriaan de Jong, Katarina Frost, Josef Mangold, Katrin Rieder, Jan A.M.F. Vaessen, Henrik Zipsane
50 Years Association of European Open-Air Museums / 50 Jahre Verband Europäischer Freilichtmuseen. Published by Jan Carstensen und Katharina Frost. Münster (Waxmann) 2016. – 210 pages, ISBN 978-3-8309-3420-2, price: 34,90 €